Wednesday, March 24

Bad Character (and reprehensible behaviour)

I should be working on an essay to do with the admissibility of a defendant's previous criminal record and bad character in criminal trials but I've made a playlist instead.
Basically, Government changed the law so they could convict more baddies by allowing previously inadmissible evidence to be read out to the jury, chomping away on that golden 'innocent before proven guilty' justice cookie. I've been spending a lot of time lately figuring what constitutes 'bad character' under the Act and I reckon all below would be sweating it in the docks.

Time to Round up the Usual Suspects!

Al Dexter-Pistol Pakin' Momma

The Slits-Shoplifting

Equals-Police on my back

The Mitchell Brothers feat Mike Skinner- Routine Check

Slick Rick-Children's story

Katie Webster-Two Fisted Momma

The Smiths-Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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